Complex Variables is a branch of mathematics that is vital to many areas of engineering and science. It is useful in the study of fluid flow, electrical engineering, and quantum theory. Readers who are interested in going on to advanced physics topics like quantum field theory and string theory, especially, will want to bone up on complex variables.
The following sample chapter from Complex Variables Demystified which will be released soon introduces complex integration.
The headers for the "Complex Variables Demystified" chapter indicate the chapter is from one of the books I already own, but I looked in the book and it is not there.
Did you write the chapter and then decide it was more proper for a different book?
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I'm a physicist that happens to own 3 horses and 5 dogs. I do horse training in my spare time and follow expert horse trainer Eric Bravo around when I get a chance, sometimes with a video camera. Email me at with questions.
The headers for the "Complex Variables Demystified" chapter indicate the chapter is from one of the books I already own, but I looked in the book and it is not there.
Did you write the chapter and then decide it was more proper for a different book?
I enjoy your books.
No I wrote the chapter without thinking of any other books. Do you know what book you thought that was in?
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