It seems to be evident that people often bring things on themselves-good or bad. If you worry about something too much, like expecting your girlfriend to cheat on you-voila! she does it. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some people expect good things to happen, and it seems like they always do. This is the so-called "Law of Attraction".
When I first heard about Manifest a Miracle, I thought to myself, 'oh great, another product rehashing "The Secret"'. It seems like there's way too much redundant information on the "Law of Attraction" out there, and nothing ever seems to work. But my friend urged me to grab a copy, citing his own success. So I bought it, just to humor him.
Man, was I ever wrong!
Manifest a Miracle is easily the best Law of Attraction book I've read to date, and I've read several.
First off, what all other manifestation products lack, this one embodies from beginning to end. Manifest a Miracle has been lovingly crafted and is meant to teach anyone how to immediately change their life for the better. Where other products offer a theoretical background but little helpful practical advice, Manifest a Miracle contains page after page of practical, useful exercises and processes that can actually get the Law of Attraction working!
Nothing dull or dry - it's all fun stuff!
The author's knowledge and warmth pervade this book. It's obvious that Gary is manifesting his desires, because his happiness and excitement radiate from each page. There is no better teacher than one who is a living example, and Gary is definitely living the life he desires!
Most importantly, the processes given within Manifest a Miracle are easy to practice and surprisingly fun! No more dry, repetitive visualizations - here are some exercises that are really easy to get into, and truly do what they are supposed to do. You'll be feeling great in no time!
And best of all, Gary describes how best to work these exercises into your daily routine in order to wake up feeling good, feel good all day, and go to bed feeling good. Within three days of starting my own schedule, I was feeling fantastic! Two days later and I found my first desire had manifested. Since then, there has been no turning back, and I have Manifest a Miracle to thank for this.
Just think. What would have happened if I hadn't grabbed this book? I'd still be creating a reality I wasn't happy with. I had no idea how easy it really is to attract everything I want!
If you're looking for the one Law of Attraction guide that will give you all of the tools you need to truly manifest your desires with ease, grab a copy of Manifest a Miracle today. It's truly the "feel good" book of the year!
Click here to learn the REAL secrets to attract your dream life!
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